Blogging Like Everyone Else

I encourage all who do chance to read this blog to leave me a comment. I would hope there would be some stimulation. I share myself only to let others know that there are people in the world who strongly believe death is a curable disease. Thanks for stopping by my site.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Face Everything...Avoid Nothing

A common phrase used among my physically immortal people is “face everything and avoid nothing”. It was coined by James Strole, co-founder of People Unlimited, Inc. I remember when he said it. How it came out with such a flow….right from the gut….with no thought. And it is such a profound statement, no less, from someone so profound. There is no one like Jim Strole.  He has a passion above any for people to live.
I live these great words everyday; relishing in the freedom they offer me. There are so many hidden “death urges” in the body. And they rear their ugly head at the most opportunistic moments. When you set the stage for these urges, they are strengthened and become more difficult to face. Yet, I face them. I want to live…to never die…to go on forever. I want to experience everything. I want to be part of the new happening…the future.

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