Blogging Like Everyone Else

I encourage all who do chance to read this blog to leave me a comment. I would hope there would be some stimulation. I share myself only to let others know that there are people in the world who strongly believe death is a curable disease. Thanks for stopping by my site.

Monday, September 28, 2009


Prosperity… just to say the word has an impact on the body. Is it a positive or negative impact? This is a question for each one to answer. Many of us have experienced those times…you know the ones…where you are startled into a conscious awakening. The light bulb effect…the epiphany…or whatever relative term you may choose to describe it. I have experienced the awakening into prosperity….my light bulb is on, baby! All of the misconceptions and fears have been exposed. I realize I have been the “ball and chain” holding back my own prosperity. I am not a victim to circumstance. All of these years I have been dragging the heaviness of poverty around, cuddling it with some sick form of admiration. Coupled with a history of religion, my own genetics and self doubt, the difficulty to overcome outweighed the desire to succeed. And thus there was no real progress. What I needed was the right environment...the right encouragement….someone to push me toward my full potential.

Where are those who push and encourage this greatness? It wasn’t my parents. Parental encouragement was there…yes…but limited to their limitations. No one in my family was wealthy. No one made the breakthrough. The gentle nudge of “come on you can do it” was insufficient. The best thing I did was to keep moving. And it may have taken some time, but I found those who encourage greatness...Jim Strole, Bernadeane and Charles Paul Brown. And because they move in such a way with me, I accomplish great things. I find myself developing a craving for an unbounded sound which, in turn, is continually quenched by their immeasurable desire for me to live. Everything takes on a different meaning when you intend to remain on the planet forever. Your entire world becomes rich. As for my [pro-sper-i-tee], it is an immense blank canvas awaiting the "artist" to reveal herself.

The Language of Physical Immortality

How do you tell someone you are physically immortal? And when you do…what does it say to them? Is it easier just to be what you are rather than say who you are, especially, when strange terminology is involved? But how will anyone know there are people on the planet who feel they can live forever? If we don’t speak about it, who will know?

Physical and immortality are two words not often spoken or related together. Physical is easy enough. We all know what that means. Touch it, feel it, smell it, hear it, see it. Immortality…well, almost everyone believes in immortality. Most, however, believe you must die to achieve it. Here lies the tricky part; hooking up the word immortality with physical.

What is that, most ask? Well, you know…where the body…this body never dies. It lives forever…just keeps going. Well, how do you do that? If I could simply hand over a copy of the special edition of 10 Ways to Stay Alive, everything would be easy. Everyone today seems to relate to a formula…a pill…a workshop…some nailed down, money back guarantee with all the how-to steps included.

The philosophy of “let me know when you figure it out” seems to be trendy. Some will just reply, “Good luck with that”. Where is the vote of confidence and encouragement, I ask? And I wonder…isn’t life so precious, so great that you would never want to lose it? Why the lack of enthusiasm? I can never understand this. Is the doubt so strong in the mind, that it takes away the desire to dare to be the first? Where is our pioneering spirit? Have we lost all motivation to achieve greatness? Or is it the fear of the possibility? After all…What would we do if we lived forever? Will there be too many people on the planet? Who wants to be old and sickly and live forever? All “excuses” surface and with haste and determination, the decision is made… not even to try. Is humanity so tired of living, it would rather die?

Understandably, physical immortality is a huge concept. What exactly do you have to lose? Heaven? You can’t lose what you don’t have. You lose your life…your family…friends…everything you have! And if you do live forever…what can you gain? You gain everything. You gain an unending life filled with the future. The future holds the unknown, the exciting, the better and much more. It is not acceptable to stop…held hostage by the limitations of our own concepts and thoughts. This is the reason death even exists. Never believing we can live!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Face Everything...Avoid Nothing

A common phrase used among my physically immortal people is “face everything and avoid nothing”. It was coined by James Strole, co-founder of People Unlimited, Inc. I remember when he said it. How it came out with such a flow….right from the gut….with no thought. And it is such a profound statement, no less, from someone so profound. There is no one like Jim Strole.  He has a passion above any for people to live.
I live these great words everyday; relishing in the freedom they offer me. There are so many hidden “death urges” in the body. And they rear their ugly head at the most opportunistic moments. When you set the stage for these urges, they are strengthened and become more difficult to face. Yet, I face them. I want to live…to never die…to go on forever. I want to experience everything. I want to be part of the new happening…the future.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Awakening Physical Immortality

“Awakening Physical Immortality”…why that name? The reason, perhaps not an obvious choice for many, would be that it completely describes me. Not only where I am today...the next moment…tomorrow…next week…but also, where I have been. And what does physical immortality mean, anyway? The physical body can live forever? Yes. Never dying? Yes.

I will leave the guidance and nurturing of a physically immortal life to the experts, Jim and Bernie of People Unlimited, Inc. After all, with over 40 years of moving, exploring and living physical immortality…who better to ask? I write to explore self awareness and to encourage anyone who reads this to know there is a choice. Death is a choice! Life is a choice!

Perhaps this is where a Disclaimer is appropriate. Let’s see...You may be affected by the words written here…don’t drive heavy equipment while under the influence….unless it brings you closer to me because you feel the same. Stay away from combining alcohol or drugs as this may cause a distorted view of what you are reading…plus you may get the munchies and feel a sudden urge to watch TV….thus becoming distracted from reading. And when experiencing any abnormality, strong stirring or a sudden feeling of aliveness, go with it and seek the professionals. That should cover it!

So how does one awaken to physical immortality? Do you just get out of bed one morning, drag yourself clumsily to the bathroom to pee and have an epiphany? Wow…I am physically immortal! Not likely. Yet there does exist a feeling of something great inside you. This feeling over time through many experiences becomes clearer and greater in your body. Discovering the undiscoverable is a lost cause to many, but not to you. The effort is not in vain. The drive, the conviction, the passion to never give up pushes you forward. So on that ONE day when you meet that ONE person (for me, Charles Brown) who declares “death will not overtake me”, in an instant the discovery is made. The realization of you….who you are…and your purpose happens. Like a volcano erupting with great force; no longer able to control the stirring in its belly, the lid is blown off. Uncontrollably, an aliveness gushes from your depths. And the secret language of the body begins to reveal itself to you; a mystery hidden for centuries in the ancient tombs. With a quantum leap, you are transported away from a world permeated with death, strangled with despair and swallowed up in darkness. You AWAKEN from the slumber of your own body.

In that magical second the momentum begins. My first desire is to move to be with those who share the same passion. And don’t let anyone kid you. Environment IS everything! Hang out with happy people…experience happiness. Hang out with sad people…see how happy you remain. Hang out with the living and see how alive you become! This is physical immortality. You can never be too alive….never too much! And the awakening is forever, never ending, always more….endless…like me.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Here We Go!

I was inspired by Injy who has a blog about her journey through breast cancer into wellness. My first thought was...what do I have to say? I haven't experienced such a thing as breast cancer. What a load of crap...everyone has something to say.

Fortunately for me, I am opinionated and like to talk...ask anyone who knows me...and so the need to express is always rolling around. Withdrawing any resignation and pushing forward, I now start my blog.